In the beginning

by Murry Edwards on April 20, 2023

In the beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1, NASB

And on Sunday, April 16, St. Mary's children began a new series of Sunday morning lessons based on Genesis.  During this time, they heard the whole creation story as told through Godly Play. Along with hearing the creation story, children planted pollinator seeds to grow at home. 

In their own words, students reflected on this time together.  

I learned about what God did making sky, water, fish, birds, animals that crawled and animals that walked. This was important because God made earth for us to live.  
I enjoyed that being able to talk and not have to whisper during church.
I learned that holy rest is when we take one day each week to rest and worship God. 
I liked making plants because it was very fun and it will help keep the earth healthy.
Be sure to view the pictures of the Sunday morning gathering.  

It's not too late to register and participate in this Sunday morning creation explorationPlease complete the online form , so we are prepared to welcome your family to this time of sharing in God’s Holy word. If you have any questions about this  opportunity to connect your child(ren) to the story of God’s creation and to St. Mary’s, please feel free to contact Murry Edwards at  .

If you missed the lesson last week, you can hear the  Genesis creation story online as presented by the Godly Play Foundation.