Your generosity makes all the difference as we continue to share the love of God in Christ. Here are the ways people are giving.
- On our web page, you can Give Online.
- Mail in pledge payments or financial gifts to St. Mary's Episcopal Church, 324 E. Main Road, Portsmouth, RI 02871.
- Set up an online bill pay through your bank.
- Bring your donation to church.
Your gift reflects God's generosity to you and your generosity to others.
St. Mary’s was founded on the generosity of one woman’s final disposition of her material possessions at the time of her death. In her will, Sarah Gibbs left land to found a seminary and to establish an Episcopal church. Certainly, many generations have benefited from her foresight and the mission and ministries of St. Mary’s.
As Christians our responsibility as stewards extends to the final disposition of our material possessions after our deaths. Each of us, no matter how modest our circumstances, should have a valid will. Providing even a small bequest to the church through our estates enables the church to continue its work.
Join prior parishioners who have remembered the church in their wills, and benefited and blessed St. Mary's by their generosity. The Rector, Senior Warden or Treasurer of the Vestry will be happy to discuss particulars of bequests and appropriate ways to convey legacies to St. Mary's.